scriverewebPer meglio comprendere la materia e migliorare la presentabilità dei miei lavori sul web mi sono comprato questo fantastico Ebook.

Molto facile da leggere, scorrevole e chiarissimo, mi ha aperto un mondo di riflessioni.

Vari gli esempi riportati che non lasciano dubbio alcuno su come debbano essere presentate le cose sul web perché siano efficaci, attraenti e utili.

Una lettura che consiglio a tutti.

L’ebook lo potete scaricare qua:

By iw4blg

Pierluigi Poggi since his childhood has been attracted from technical stuffs and gears, being a very curious guy. He built his first Xtal radio when he was just 9. Today, we would call him “maker”. When he turned to 21 became radio amateur, with call sign iw4blg. Since then, he developed many radio gears and felt in love with space communication, becoming an EMErs and a satellite enthusiast. His great passion led him to experiment a lot on the higher bands, up to pioneering several THz (lightwaves) QSOs on the early ’90. Beside to this passion to the radio communication and modern technologies, he like to study, experiment, understand-why, then, write and share, or better, spread the knowledge. This fact led him to became a well renowned contributor of electronics magazines with more than 95 articles published and author of 14 science books.

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2 thoughts on “Scrivere per il web 2.0”
  1. Ti ho scritto una lettera.In mancanza indirizzo esatto
    spero arrivi. Lo SCHEMA ELETTRICO dell’ MC 34217 P che ha pubblicato Radio Kit è SBAGLIATO , RISPETTO
    all’originale MOYOROLA ! Piedinatura e Polarità degli
    elettrolitici ! DUE MC34217P li ho ordinati a Hong Kong . CIAO i2DKK

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